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Plan Your Cruise Ship Visit To Burnie

Burnie Tasmania Cruise Ship Calendar 2024

Plan Your Cruise Ship Visit to Burnie

The City of Burnie is a vibrant and welcoming destination for cruise ship visitors. With its stunning natural beauty, rich history, and friendly locals, Burnie offers a unique and memorable experience for travelers from around the globe.

Cruise Ship Calendar and Schedule

The Burnie Tasmania Cruise Ship Calendar provides up-to-date information on upcoming cruise ship arrivals. The calendar includes the following details:

  • Date and time of arrival
  • Name of cruise ship
  • Estimated number of passengers
  • Duration of stay

To view the Cruise Ship Calendar and plan your visit, go to:

Meet-and-Greet Services

The City of Burnie has a proud 20-year history of providing exceptional meet-and-greet services to cruise ship passengers. Our dedicated team of volunteers is on hand to welcome visitors, provide information about local attractions, and assist with transportation and other needs.

Upcoming Cruise Ship Arrival

Mark your calendars for the following upcoming cruise ship arrival in Burnie:

  • Date: Friday, December 6, 2024
  • Time: 07:30 AM to 07:30 PM
  • Name: Carnival Spirit
  • Passengers: Approximately 2,000

We look forward to welcoming the Carnival Spirit and its passengers to Burnie. We invite you to explore our beautiful city, enjoy our warm hospitality, and create lasting memories during your visit.
